Machi & Associates, P.C. Blog

What Causes Most Rear-End Collisions?

What Causes Most Rear-End Collisions?

Every year there are 1.7 million rear-end collisions in the US, which comprises a whopping one-third of all motor vehicle accidents. Additionally, rear-end collisions result in 17,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries annually. In addition to following too closely, the main...

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How to Report a Hit and Run in Texas

How to Report a Hit and Run in Texas

Being involved in an auto accident is always unpleasant. It’s even worse when the person who hits you flees the scene. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. Drivers may flee the scene of an accident for a number of reasons, such as if they have a warrant out for...

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What is the Foreclosure Process in Texas?

What is the Foreclosure Process in Texas?

Even after the housing crisis that caused the Great Recession, homeownership remains one of the pinnacles of the American Dream. But for those who have started missing mortgage payments as a result of complications such as job loss, the government shutdown or hefty...

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Most Common Car Accident Injuries

Most Common Car Accident Injuries

The aftermath of a car wreck is stressful and frightening. Your car will likely sustain damage, but even worse, you and any passengers will likely suffer from injuries. If you get into a car accident caused by someone else’s negligent, reckless, or erratic behavior,...

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Texas Car Accident Statistics – 2017

Texas Car Accident Statistics – 2017

Every day, people die or get injured in car wrecks. While some of these wrecks truly are unavoidable, the vast majority could be avoided if the drivers stay alert, keep their attention on the road, and take the proper precautions while driving. If you don’t think that...

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Nondischargeable Debts in Bankruptcy

Nondischargeable Debts in Bankruptcy

If you’re thinking about filing bankruptcy, you may have learned that certain debts are nondischargeable. If so, you’ve likely begun to wonder if your most pressing debts are dischargeable. This list is a guideline for what kinds of common debts are nondischargeable...

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Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13

Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13

Each year, around 800,000 Americans file for personal bankruptcy protection. The decision to declare bankruptcy can be a hard one, but even once you’ve made the decision, choosing between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a challenge. It’s important to...

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Top 5 Things that Impact Credit Score

Top 5 Things that Impact Credit Score

A number of factors can impact your credit score, and a good financial state does not necessarily mean a good credit score. The credit bureaus decide your score, and what you do with the credit you have available to you affects that score in a number of ways....

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