Machi & Associates, P.C. Blog

8 Benefits Of Filing For Bankruptcy

8 Benefits Of Filing For Bankruptcy

‍Is your debt burden overwhelming you? Do you dread the thought of paying your bills, feeling financially pressured by those you owe? Are you considering filing for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is often seen as something to avoid at all costs, but in many cases, it offers...

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Steps Involved In An Auto Injury Lawsuit

Steps Involved In An Auto Injury Lawsuit

If you have been in a car accident and have suffered injuries as a result, you might be unsure of what to do and what to expect, especially if this is your first accident. Whatever your circumstances, a successful outcome in an auto injury lawsuit depends on your...

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How To Make The Most Of A Free Legal Consultation

How To Make The Most Of A Free Legal Consultation

If you find yourself at the center of a civil or criminal legal battle, the first thing you should do is consult with a lawyer. Besides the evidence and facts surrounding your case, having the right attorney by your side is arguably the single most important factor in...

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Differences Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Differences Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a scary word. No one ever thinks that bankruptcy could possibly become their reality, and most people have no idea what bankruptcy actually entails - the fear of the unknown and the “how did I get here” feeling combined often send people into a tailspin...

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5 Bankruptcy Myths & What The Truth Actually Is

5 Bankruptcy Myths & What The Truth Actually Is

Bankruptcy - like “recession”, “debt ceiling”, “default”, and other financial terms that sound foreboding and may not be fully understood - is a word that tends to scare people (especially because bankruptcy, unlike those other words, is likely more personal)....

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